Reign Over Your Relationships 2.0: Chaos Coven Edition

Are you ready to embrace your power?


Reign Over Your Relationships 2.0
Chaos Coven Gathering 

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The only experience of its kind for women who are ready to take control of their love lives and relationships. 

This is not about forcing anyone to change or to love you. 

You’re way too powerful for that nonsense!

In this gathering you will discover the power of your Queendom and how it empowers you to live your best life.

As a successful woman, you're used to taking charge and achieving your goals. But when it comes to love and relationships, it can be easy to feel like you're at the mercy of fate or other people's choices.

Nothing could be further from the truth and that's why this experience is designed to give you the tools and strategies you need to create the love life you truly desire.

Topics we will cover in this gathering include:

  • Building Your Queendom: Learn what a Queendom is and how to build one so that it can help you attract a partner that is a true match for your queen energy.

  • Relationship Dynamic Shifting: How to Identify and break patterns that have held you back in relationships. As well as cultivate a mindset of empowerment and self-love.

  • Identity Awakening: Understanding and embracing your inner queen, rejecting the false narratives imposed by others.

  • Personal Empowerment: Cultivating the strength to assert your wants and needs in your relationships, acknowledging that your leadership qualities are not a "problem", but a strength.

  • Relationship Navigation: Learning strategies to take the helm in your relationships, fostering healthier dynamics built on mutual respect and understanding.

  • Healing Practices: Engaging in restorative techniques to foster continual self-healing, accepting responsibility for your current results instead of blaming someone else.

The reality is every woman is unique but every woman isn’t royal. 


Queens are the women who:

  • Are ready to embrace that they can have, do, or become whatever they desire.
  • Are committed to creating the life they deserve.
  • Are ready to leave behind passive aggressiveness, manipulation, and nagging for results, and instead recognize…
You can be sovereign or you can be skipped over but not both…


If you are ready to take complete 100% control of your love life and your relationships then Reign Over Relationships 2.0 is for you. 
Yes! I’m ready to reign.

Whether you're looking for a deeply committed romantic relationship that aligns with your ambition and goals or simply want to attract partners who appreciate your queen energy, Reign Over Your Relationships 2.0 can help you achieve your goals!

Yes! I’m ready to reign.

About Your Instructor 

Corina Narè Seku, as Head Facilitator of the Blue Butterfly Effect Sisterhood embodies feminine empowerment, and has left indelible marks as a mother, grandmother, Air Force veteran, and prolific author. Since her certification in 2013, she has been an anchor for countless women, guiding them toward their best selves. A lifelong student of relationship dynamics, manifestation, and feminine power, Corina also offers invaluable insights through Reiki healing and Goddess Tarot and Oracle Readings. Her tenure as Head Facilitator of Blue Butterflies, and Chief Operating Officer of The Mystery School has been pivotal in awakening women to their authentic brilliance.

Whether you're looking to attract a deeply committed romantic relationship that aligns with your ambition and goals, or simply want to embrace your inner power and create the life you deserve, Corina has the experience and expertise to help you achieve your goals. With her unique blend of metaphysical wisdom and practical strategies, she will empower you to reign over your relationships and live your best life.

I wandered around aimlessly for over a decade, looking for my tribe, my sisterhood, my earthly divine support system.

Once I was truly ready to be able to offer my sistership, my sisters revealed themselves as the Blue Butterflies.
At that moment, my life changed. This beautiful group of women embraced me exactly how my soul needed. The support, care, love and authenticity they have shown me proved that my life would have continued to slowly decline if I didn't receive the sisterly healing I so needed.

I will always and forever be in the deepest gratitude of the sisterhood of the Blue Butterfly Effect.

- Crystal S. 

Discovering the Blue Butterflies over a year ago was a turning point during a time of feeling completely lost in relationships and life. I had parted ways with my partner and given up on the relationship even though I still deeply desired it but I needed help.

I expected guidance but I discovered a community exceeding my imagination. The sisterhood provided not just support but a judgment-free space where I could authentically express my desires.

The empowering insights from the Reign Over Your Relationships principles reshaped my perspective. I found not just encouragement but tangible tools to take control of my love life.The sisterhood became a haven, allowing me to openly share my relationship aspirations, backed by sisters offering unwavering support.

My once-stalled relationship now thrives, and goals unattainable for years have been achieved in a matter of months.

The Blue Butterfly Effect Sisterhood isn't just about relationships; it's a catalyst for personal growth and empowerment, reaching beyond the surface to touch the core of who I am.

- Lhacya W.
Yes! I’m ready to reign.

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